If I already have a GHIN# thru the SCGA, do I need to pay the SCGA fee again?
- Yes, the SCGA charges you their $41 annual dues for each SCGA sanctioned club you join. This is built into your SOSA membership cost. Partial credits are available if you are a member of more than 2 clubs. See SCGA website for details on how to redeem.
How many events do I need to play in to be a member?
- We'd love to have you for as many events as you can, but the only attendence stipulation we have is that you must play in at least 4 events to be eligible to be club champion at the end of the season. About a third of us play in almost every event, another third are fairly regular, and then the last third shows up sparingly but are always welcome when they do.
Can I make pairings or tee time requests?
- We do our best to honor early/late tee time requests if it is going to be a make or break deal for you to play in an event. We aim to mix up the groupings each month to ensure that everyone in the club gets to know each other, but we do allow for members to register for events in pairs if desired.
Can I invite others to join?
- Members may nominate prospective new members during 2 periods annually: July 20 thru August 1 and December 20 thru January 1. See “MEMBERSHIP TAB” above for more info.
Do you play for money?
- All tournaments feature some opportunities to win a little cash. We purposely keep the amounts fairly modest so that the emphasis is on golf and relationships more than the prize money, but if you show up a lot and play well you can walk away with a nice little pay day when we cash you out at the end of the year. A typical event has prize money for low net flights, closest to pin and gross and net skins. Groups are also encouraged to get a little side action in their foursome.
How are tournaments flighted?
- Our typical event features 3 flights: Augusta, Bandon and Carnoustie. Rather than having a static handicap bracket for flights, we break down each month's field into 3 equal size groups so you are competing against a group closer to your ability level with net handicap scoring. While there is some fluctuation depending on the field for each event, the average flight break down is usually about 0-7, 8-14 and 15+
I'm almost sold, what else can you tell me about benefits of being a SOSA member?
- We don't want to put the hard sell on anyone, but if you love golf and would enjoy playing in some structured tournaments, expanding your golf-buddy network, mixing in a little business networking, etc. then we are confident you will enjoy being part of our club. Perhaps the best feature of our club is the diversity of membership, as we have entrepenuers, executives, contractors, trades-men, first-responders, teachers, and at least one pastor and DJ! Many of our members end up playing regularly and socializing outside of the club events as well.